Essie: Sexy Divide

24 October 2015

I don't splash out on nail polish very often. I don't really like paying a lot of money for something I end up picking off my nails an hour after it dries or something that just seems to chip no matter what I use for top coats or anti-chip polishes, but for some reason I just really wanted some Essie nail polish. I don't really buy nail polish for the simple reason that I pick and chip so easily and I hate having to sit there for ages with wet nails - guaranteed I will get about a hundred itches in the space of drying time - does anyone else ever get this?! 

But anyway, away from my rant: I just fancied a good quality polish for a change so I decided to splash out on some Essie. I wanted a new A/W shade and I just fell in love with this one. It's called Sexy Divide (great name). It's a beautiful, rich purple and it's very complimentary to my skin tone. The colour reminds me of the cartoon grapes you'd see in the Disney movies and all the cartoons (bit of weird imagery for you there) It seems to have a matte look when it's dry and I'm a huge lover of matte things. Sexy Divide also dries pretty much straight away so I was chuffed to bits with that because as I said a bit further up I hate waiting for polish to dry.

It's not too badly priced at £6.99 from Boots. I went for two polishes - this one and a dark midnight blue (which I've forgotten the name of as I've left it back at home, sorry guys) So I think they're both fab for A/W.
As you can see below, it is beautiful in the bottle and on the nails, so I'm pretty happy with this polish considering I rarely bother with them now! I also love the names for Essie polish, I think they're great and admittedly I did stand there in Boots having a little chuckle over them all. Who would've thought I'm 21?

Have you ever tried Essie? Do you like it? What's your favourite A/W nail polish? Let me know in the comments below what you think! Thanks for reading, be sure to follow me on Twitter, Instagram and Bloglovin for updates about my blog and general life bits and bobs! I hope you enjoyed this post and thank you again, 


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