Hello June!

1 June 2016

Goodbye May, hello June!

We're halfway through the year... What the hell?! Where is it going? So I just want to do my usual monthly recap and chat about the upcoming month. May was bizarre, I finished uni, I've moved back home, I'm back to working full-time. I feel like such an adult (?!?!) I just can't believe it's gone already, uni is actually over :(

What do I aim to achieve in June?

My blog posts, I need to get my blogging mojo back. I lost it hard in May. I also want to be unpacked completely which is going terribly right now...  Hitting round numbers on Twitter and Instagram would also be aaaaaaaaaamazing (1,400 and 800 if you're wondering or wanting to help *hint hint*)

There's going to be some Florida related posts coming up this month which I am SO excited to do because I've never done a travel related post before so I'm pretty excited for that.

I want to also continue to be super engaged with the blogging community because I love chatting to everyone - my favourite chat that I ALWAYS make sure I get involved with is of course The Girl Gang chat every Monday at 6pm (gmt) I just love it so much, it's so positive, happy, supportive - all the good things in life! 

What could hinder me?

Only maybe working 9-5/6pm 5-6 days a week and the fact that I still need to unpack. I guess I can take out an hour a night to write blog posts!

What am I excited for?

Getting my room back to normal. I hate living in it at the moment just because nothing has its 'place' so to speak. I can't really unpack it all until my new furniture arrives so it's just a bit frustrating. I don't think I'll feel fully back at home until my bedroom is sorted. I'm also super excited for Florida and all the blog posts relating to that.

My favourite post in May?

It probably has to be my body positivity post - which you can read here! It was just nice to get everything off my chest and say exactly what I think, I've had really good feedback from people too so it means the world to me.

What did you achieve in May? What are you hoping to happen in June? Let me know in the comments below!

Thanks for reading as always, I hope you've enjoyed the post. I'll make sure I keep on top of my posts this month! Be sure to follow me across all social media to keep up to date with my life and the blog - or if you want to stop over and say hey & have a chat, go for it! Thanks again,

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