So we're all guilty of not giving our hair the TLC that it needs. Just think - our hair goes through hell and back when we dye it, put heat to it and all the rest of it. But here are some products that you just have to try...
I don't really tend to write about hair but I felt like this post was necessary. I've been trying these products out for about three weeks to a month because with hair, I feel like you need to allow your hair time to react with products to see if you notice a difference or not. Yes, there is a hair colourant in here but I'll provide my reasons!
First up is the Schwarzkopf Live Colour Refresher* This is basically a mousse - I made sure I took nice photos before I got the mousse all over the inside of the lid (because it would just look gross) It is a permanent colouring but in my opinion, not as damaging as dying your actual hair because it only needs to stay on your hair for 3 minutes, then you can wash it off in the shower. Plus no mixing or gloves required so that tells me it's not as harmful as normal hair dye. This product is great as well because I've been using this for my 'top ups' so I've not had to redo my roots much because I've been able to use this instead! Admittedly I probably could've done with a darker colour but it's not been an issue, you can't really notice the difference. This is pretty accessible too - it's available in Boots and Superdrug!

Next is the Schwarzkopf Got2b Oil-licious Tame and Shine Styling Oil* I absolutely ADORE this product. This has argon oil in and the best time to use it is when your hair is damp/towel dried. This makes SUCH a difference to my hair. Since dying my hair (before the mousse) my hair has felt dry, dead and just gross - although admittedly it does need a proper cut - but with this oil it's soft and shiny. Not just 'soft' either but super soft. It smells so good too which I really like because there's nothing worse than crap smelling products on your hair. I've also found that my hair isn't as knotty when I've used the styling oil. I just wish I knew about this product when I went to Florida, my hair was so dry and gross out there, this would've made a massive difference. I'll definitely be buying this product again!
Finally, this product I was the most curious to try. This is the Arconic Curved Paddle Brush* for medium to long hair. Basically, I was told that this will make drying hair easier and faster. Now, I didn't believe this. My hair always takes ages to blow dry - because it's so long and thick but I decided to give them the benefit of the doubt just incase. I'm pleased to tell you that this little baby works! It allowed me so much more control when blowdrying my hair. I never usually blowdry but I tried it out for this product and it made the whole process so much easier! Instead of taking 20-30 minutes to blowdry, it took about 10 minutes so this is a massive difference and saves me so much time. I'm actually annoyed with myself for doubting this product. Also, another great thing about the Arconic Brush is that because it's curved, it makes it easier to style your hair when blowdrying - I've been able to add volume to my hair and give it that 'just been to the hairdresser' feel (or as close to it as possible haha).
Have you tried any of these products before? Did you like them? Any you might consider trying? Let me know in the comments below!
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Products marked as * are PR samples.
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