This post has been a long time coming. I've had it planned for about half a year but not quite gotten round to it. If you feel like you may be affected by this then please don't feel the need to read, I don't want to upset anyone with this post.
So let's talk about body positivity: This is something I believe is important for us to learn, we need to embrace the body we have.
So here's a little backstory to it: For me personally, I hated my body in my teenage years - I was always considered the 'bigger' friend, all because I had a bit of an arse and boobs. I wasn't 'large' at all, I was a healthy teenage girl at roughly a size 10, but I hated the way I looked for a good 6-8 years. I used to stand in front of my mirror naked punching my stomach just hoping it would disappear, even teenage me knew that punching myself wouldn't do anything, but it felt good to get this anger out of me.
Why was I shaped so differently to others? Why was my bum so big? Why don't I have a thigh gap like all the people on TV and in the magazines? Why can't I look like them?
It wasn't until I got to college that I gave the media the big middle finger and a huge 'fuck you'. I just came to terms with my body. It wasn't an overnight thing, I just thought to myself 'Katie, this is your only body, stop hating. It's time to embrace' so that's literally what I did. I stopped listening to that annoying little voice in the back of my head that told me I would never be good enough because I'm 'fat' (I wasn't) amongst many other things.
I definitely think college helped me realise that my body was never going to change it's shape - it's bones for god sake, they're not mouldable. I just accepted that this was my only body, my only life, it's time to love myself. I became so much more confident with my body. I think it's so important to embrace the body you have and learn to live with it and listen to it. Like I've said about 10 times already, we are only given one body. Our body is a temple, do with it what you will, as long as you're happy then that's all that matters.
Sure, I have days where I don't like my body, I have days where I love my body. I've felt recently like my body was spiralling out of control - so I changed that by making minor adjustments to my lifestyle and it's made such a difference already and I love it again. I've been told that I can't love myself this much - it's impossible, I MUST have so many insecurities... No. I don't. It offends me when people say that about me/to me. Why is it so difficult to believe that a person may actually just y'know like their body? Sure, I have some aspects that I'm not so thrilled about but dya know what? I don't care and I don't really give a damn what anyone thinks about me or my body or my ego. I love myself and my body. I love my curves.
Just listen to your body, know what it wants. If you're not happy about your body then change your lifestyle a bit - eat a little bit healthier, do a couple workouts. Don't give up!
We come in different shapes and sizes and that's ok. It's ok to not have a thigh gap, it's also ok to have a thigh gap. It's ok to be a size 8, it's also ok to be a size 28 - or any size, if you're healthy then who are they to judge? It's ok to be tall just as it is to be small. It's ok for your body to be whatever the hell you want it to be and that should be that. It's nobody's place to tell you that you're not good enough or that your body isn't good enough because you ARE good enough.
Every single one of us is beautiful, inside and out. No matter who we are, where we come from, what we look like. (I've literally got Christina playing in my head right now - We are beautifffuuulll in every single way...)
What I want you all to do is this: I want you to leave a comment below and write one thing you love about your body. Just one thing - whether it's your forehead, your bum, your feet, your eyes. Anything.
I want positivity to be flourishing on this blog post. It's time we felt good about ourselves and embrace who we are.
I hope this has hopefully helped someone feel good about their body. Let's spread the positivity guys! <3 I hope you've enjoyed reading this and if I've offended anyone then I apologise. I got a little bit passionate with it all as you can tell... Make sure you follow me on all social media for updates on daily life and the blog! Thanks again for reading, remember to write one thing in the comments that you love about your body!
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