So recently I was contacted about the Alexander WangxMadame LALA collaboration and asked if I wanted to get involved. Of course! I've been so excited about this post and I've been itching to get this live! Madame LALA have been lucky enough to collaborate with Alexander Wang for the resort season (how cool?!?) Madame LALA have been given the opportunity to show their products alongside Alexander Wang in Paris over the next week!
They allowed me to pick which product I wanted to try so I decided to go for the Madame LALA self tan mousse* because I had heard and seen good results with this product so I wanted to try it for myself - plus I can keep up my Florida tan when that slowly starts to fade... (holidays blues already and I've not even gone yet)
At full price, the mousse comes in at £30 and it's available in Superdrug, the Madame LALA website and various other places. This is a little bit out the ordinary for me because I haven't used self tanning products since year 11 so we're going back 6 years here! They just never seem to work on me! However, I was pleasantly surprised with this product! You can buy this product here:
First of all, the packaging. I love it. The whole minimalist and bold look they have going on is just timeless, it screams class to me but also 'fun' hence Madame LALA I guess!
Initially, when I first did a pump of the mousse, I thought oh wow, holy crap this is dark, this will be waaaay too dark for me but once I started 'brushing' it across my legs with my tanning mit, it just went on so effortlessly and it smells AMAZING. I didn't think that it had that horrible fake tan smell at all, it smelt like coconut and chocolate! The self tan mousse has vitamin E, coco water and aloe to name a few of its skin benefits. A little goes a long way with this too, I found that one pump tended to do one side of 1/2 a leg (if that makes any sense) so it's great value for your money - I get that it is £30 at full price but this would last you such a long time because a little does really go a long way - it's a really pleasant product to apply.
I only applied this product to my legs for the time being just because I don't get my arms out much as I wear my work fleece monday-friday and then I'd only really 'get them out' at the weekend! I tried it out on my legs and the results were pretty impressive I have to say.
I genuinely can't stop thinking about the smell of this product, I know I've mentioned it already but it's sooo nice! Below are before and after shots of me with the mousse applied. Basically - there are some slight discolourations and that is purely down to my skin, not the mousse. I have a fair few scars and bruises on my knees (I don't remember the last time my knee's weren't bruised) so naturally, the scars and bruises have shown up on my pictures - just before I get people being negative nellies or whatever! So first up is the before shot. I took this minutes before I applied the mousse after exfoliating etc, then the next photo is the result THE NEXT MORNING!
How bloody amazing? My legs looked as though they had just come back from a sunny holiday! They didn't look orange at all, they looked and felt amazing! I even had my legs out for a few days (until the weather ruined it) because I felt so confident about my legs and I very rarely have my legs out, even in the summer! See what I mean as well about the scars and bruises? They just don't budge!
All in all, I love this product. Genuinely. I applied the tan around a week ago now and the tan is still there good and strong! It's supposed to last for up to 10 days so I'm super impressed with the results so far! I'm so happy and thankful to have been given the chance to try out Madama LALA and write about it for you guys!
Have you ever tried Madame LALA? Do you like their products? Let me know in the comments below!
Thanks for reading today guys, be sure to follow me on all social media for updates on the blog and daily life! I hope you enjoyed the post,
Products marked with * are PR samples.
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