The first is: Caitlin from Through The Mirror (
Her blog is flawless. I love everything about it and I would LOVE for my blog to look this good. I've started speaking to Caitlin recently and she's such a laugh! She loves my accent and how I say Coke (we were snapchatting each other words in our accents...) She's just a genuine, bubbly lass who you will quickly fall in love with. Oh and her Instagram feed & photos are just incredible. She has such desirable photos, I'm so envious (in a good way) because her photos show me a whole new level of photo standards. Please go check Caitlin out, she's absolutely lovely!
Megan from Thumbelinalillie: (
I've followed Megan on Instagram for a super long time and her blog aswell. I've loved watching her journey and seeing how successful she's become, it really motivates me. Her snapchat stories always make me crease with laughter and Megan is just a genuine person - what you see is what you get with her and I admire her so much. Her recent holiday also has me wanting to go so desperately! It looks like she had an amazing time (and she got engaged out there - how bloody amazing!!) I am a bit of a fan girl too, not going to lie...
Jessica from In The Shade Ivory: (
Jessica is someone who I totally got talking too on a whim after I shared a post and she found it relatable. We got talking from there and I love her blog! She is also super, duper nice! She posts really good content and I enjoyed reading her review on the Anastasia Beverly Hills Modern Renaissance Palette (Which I am resisting purchasing but it's getting harder and harder...) Jessica is just a lovely lass and she has a heart of gold!
Alice Rose from Alicerose (
Alice is also someone who I've very recently got to know - I needed guest posts and Alice came forward! She is really attentive and her photos are amazing and to die for! Keep your eyes open for her guest post (it's a really good one and I wish I could have done it!) Her home page is amazing. I love the layout. I've never seen one like that before, it's different and I love that about her blog! Her posts are a really good read too!
Last but not least...
Jemma from Dorkface (
I don't know where to start with Jemma. She has an absolute heart of gold and I mean that. She was the first blogger I followed on Twitter (fun fact for you) Her photos are amazing, her blog is so good - it has a really good variety of posts, from beauty to lifestyle to her creative section and even her Drunk Dork series (which I found hilarious) Jemma just does so much for the blogging community and I have a lot of respect for her. Her cat Luna is also soooooooo cute - not even kidding. She is adorable! Jemma also has a wonderful Instagram feed too!
So these are the five bloggers I've been loving this month. They're all incredible ladies! I wish I could have put more of you on here but I just wouldn't be able too, I'd be here forever! What bloggers are you loving this month? Let me know in the comments below!
Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed it! Be sure to follow me on all social media for updates about the blog and just general life, thanks again,
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