Blogmas Day Twenty One - A Typical Middleton Christmas

21 December 2016

Everyone does Christmas slightly different - no two persons Christmas' are exactly the same! Here's an insight into a typical Middleton Christmas!

Now, in our younger years - Ryan and I would be up at the crack of dawn. Now, we manage to sleep in until about 7.00-8.00am. We've gotten better honestly. One year, Ryan was so excited he made us all get up at around 4.30am. Yep. We were all so tired we fell asleep again after opening our presents and only just woke up in time for Grandma's Christmas dinner!

So here's how we do it now:

7.00-8.00am: Wake up, run into our parents room, attack Dad until he admits defeat and gets up (he's a bah humbug)

8.20am: We head downstairs to see the cats, give them their Christmas breakfast and open their presents with them. (They always get catnip too and their reactions are hilarious)

8.30am: We run upstairs and do our 'tradition' of sitting at the top of the stairs, waiting to be called into the front room.

10.30am: We've all usually opened our presents now by this point and doing our little tradition of chucking ALL the wrapping paper over Dad and then he screams and tries to grab us (we've done this since we were little)

12.00pm: We head over to Grandma and Grandad for the amazing Christmas dinner.

1.30pm: We all develop food babies and go into a food coma from said Christmas dinner.

2.00pm: We struggle to get back home (5 doors down) and collapse again on the sofa with a film.

2.00-5.00pm: We chill out with our new gifts, talk, play around with anything we got - back in the day it was all about the barbies, camper vans, bikes, tents, moon shoes - you name it! Now it's mostly ps4 games, iPads and all the 'older people' gifts.

5.30pm: We head back to Grandma's for Christmas tea. This is cold cuts of meat, salad, pork pies and all the rest of it. Of course there's pudding involved too.

7.00pm: We usually wrap it up at Grandma's by this point as Grandad is pretty tired and the carers will be with him soon so we head back home... that whole 5 doors down (It's such a trek, I'm telling you - joking by the way)  and just chill out some more all together.

My Christmas day has changed slightly in the last couple years now there's Kayne in the equation so we usually do Christmas day morning-afteroon with my family and then afternoon-evening with his family. We haven't quite worked out how we're going to do it next year when we're living together! We'll have to see.

How do you spend Christmas day? Do you stay at home or do you visit family and friends? Let me know in the comments below!

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed it. Be sure to check out my other blogmas posts and follow me on social media! Thanks again,

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