Blogmas Day Twenty - Out For A Christmas Walk

20 December 2016

I'm always a fan of walks, no matter the time of year. I just love seeing where I end up. We don't particularly 'plan' a route, we just walk and go with it.

One huge benefit of living by the beach is going for a winters walk. On Christmas day, Boxing day and that whole week after - the beach comes to life again and it's so amazing to see. To look at the amount of people, you would think we were back in 'season' for the summer but nope, it's just families and friends having a good time in the outdoors, breathing in the sea air, children riding their new bikes and scooters, people walking their dogs or eating some of the best fish and chips around.

The beach really brings people together at Christmas. I know this sounds hella weird reading it but it does. In recent years Kayne and I have gone for a drive, pulled up by the beach and gone for a lovely walk along the sea front, hit the arcades and stop off at one of the many cute little cafes down the beach for a bite to eat and something warm to drink. I can see this becoming a tradition with us both and I hope it carries on when we have children (not for a few years yet don't worry). It's just... nice I guess?

This is where I'm glad I don't live in a city, I can't imagine going for a Christmas walk in a city, it just freaks me out. I feel too enclosed and squished up in cities at the best of times so I can't even imagine how busy it would be with everyone hitting the sales and mulling around. I'm happy living in my own little bubble with the beach at Christmas! If you live near-ish to a beach, I really recommend going for a walk down one this Christmas, it's so lovely and really nice to see so many people.

Do you ever go for Christmas walks? Do you prefer to stay in and chill out for the majority of Christmas? Let me know in the comments below!

Thanks for reading, I hope you liked it. Be sure to check out my other blogmas posts and my social media! Thanks again,

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