Glitter Lips UK

24 February 2016

This was a totally unexpected post. Recently the SU night 'Quack' had a glitter themed party and on the night we discovered that Glitter Lips UK would be there. I've seen Glitter Lips go crazy on my Instagram feed and across other social media so I was really excited to give them a try and since I was a little bit drunk, the excitement was heightened. 

Whilst waiting in the queue I spoke to one of the girls and asked if it would be ok for me to blog about this and obviously she said yes hence why I'm writing this (stating the obvious here Katie)
I asked if I could have both my lips and face done to get really in with the glitter theme at Quack and it wasn't a bother at all.

Their team were super friendly and chatty which I loved. They have incredible patience considering there were lots of drunk people and some were a little worse for wear. They went through the whole process and said every step they were doing as they were doing it. Their treatment of their customers was excellent.

I went for Ultra Glam on my lips which is so beautiful as you can see in the photos below! It lasted on my lips all night - from singing my heart out to shameful shots at the bar and Maccies after (sorry diet) I even struggled to get it off - that's how secure and in place it was! Even the glitter on my face lasted the whole night. I loved the whole look, I felt like a glitter unicorn! The first photo is when I got it done and the very bottom picture is me in Maccies trying to act like a model (which failed)

I was scared to close my lips after it was done!
The glitter had come off my face a bit but I was super sweaty and probably got bashed into several times because I'm only 5'2.
So you can purchase Glitter Lips online by clicking this link here - on this link there are also other glitter products. Glitter Lips is £12.50 and they come in so many beautiful different colours. Each box comes with an applicator, gloss bond and obviously glitter! The team at Quack said you can get around 25 applications per box so you get loads for your money!

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Above are the links to their pages - you really need to check them out and give them a like, I promise you, you will not be disappointed. 

I hope you've enjoyed todays post! Have you ever tried Glitter Lips? What did you think? Let me know in the comments below what you think!  Thanks for reading as always, be sure to check out my Instagram and Twitter pages for updates on general life and the blog! I have so much lined up for the next few weeks, you don't want to miss any of it! 

Harry Potter Studio Tour London

20 February 2016

This is a bit of a more generalised/lifestyle post, something I don't do often so you'll have to bare with me! So last weekend as everyone knows was Valentines weekend and it was by far the most perfect weekend I've had with Kayne. I've not edited any of these pictures, I'm just putting them up as they are because it was a weekend I loved so I don't feel the need to edit these. 

We went to the Harry Potter Studio Tour in London on the Saturday and I persuaded Kayne to go to Whipsnade Zoo on the Sunday (both were amazing) 
There's a post here that has a little something extra special with the Studio Tour *monkey emoji*
This post is literally just pictures from the tour so it's not that exciting for some of you - some of you will enjoy it though if you're a Harry Potter fan!

That's all the pictures (finally) I didn't realise how many I put on so sorry everyone! 
However, I hope you enjoyed scrolling through, thanks for reading! Make sure you follow me on Twitter (@katiexmiddleton) and Instagram (@xkatiemiddleton) for life & blog updates! I'm trying to reach 1,000 followers on Instagram so if you wouldn't mind helping a blogger out that would be wonderful! Thanks again, 


17 February 2016

Ok, this will be the last time I publicly rave about this on social media for a little while, I can only imagine everyone is getting sick of seeing this (oh well) but... I'M ENGAGED!
Little disclaimer - this is going to be proper soppy! I've not edited any photos, I don't really want to do that for this post.

This photo is so bad, I'm windswept and unedited. so sorry!
I am absolutely over the moon! 

I've been with Kayne for five and a half years, so it's quite some time and our relationship so far has been a rollercoaster ride. There's been times when I've thought can I do this anymore? But then I would hear his voice or see his face and I realised it would all be worth it in the end because I do love him and there is no one in the world I want to be with other than Kayne. He's my best friend, soul mate, rock, my absolutely everything. Although, we're both very different in personalities - I love going out drinking, socialising etc whereas Kayne doesn't really drink, he's quite content with his own company all the time. I think you just know when you're meant to be with someone and I definitely know. Kayne knows me like no one else could, he can read me like a book (I know that expression is thrown around, but he really does. I don't know how he can tell what I'm thinking or feeling half the time but he does). He likes to say we're like swans, which is pretty cute!

Anyway, I'm getting too soppy now. 

We went away for Valentine's weekend (there will be a blog post on that) as Kayne's parents for Christmas gave me tickets for the Harry Potter Studio Tour in London. I've not been since opening weekend and so much has changed since then at the tour so I was pretty excited to go!

I had absolutely no idea Kayne was going to propose because it's such a public and busy place, I thought it would probably be the least likely place he would ask. About half way through the tour, Kayne's mood suddenly changed and he seemed to be so on edge, I just thought it was because he was hungry and we didn't really want to pay the tour prices (as you can imagine, it's not cheap) I thought nothing of his mood and just carried on enjoying my time at the tour, I was in my element being such a massive Harry Potter fan as it is, I have a Harry Potter tattoo and everything! 
When we got to the castle room, he went really quiet but again I just thought it was because he was taking the scene in and letting me enjoy the moment because I always seem to get emotional at the castle because of the music and everything JK Rowling and Harry Potter has given to me and millions of others, it just overwhelms me. 

This is the view I had when Kayne proposed:

 I was just saying to Kayne how amazing the view is and I was getting ready to take a selfie of me with the castle and then one with Kayne and I. I heard him say my name, turned around and there he was on one knee with the most beautiful ring. I was in utter shock.
 Kayne proposed to me in the most perfect and beautiful way for me, it was such an intimate moment that we shared in such a public place and because everyone was too busy admiring the castle only a couple people noticed which I think I preferred. It took all my strength to not 'full on' cry and ruin my makeup. 

Kayne was speaking in this photo and I look dreadful but this is our first photo as fiancé's (eeeeeeek)
we took this just after the proposal and the crying etc.  

This still doesn't seem real, 13th February 2016 marks the start of a new chapter in mine and Kayne's life together. I'm so excited to see what it brings. I think it's definitely brought us even closer together and I have fallen in love with him all over again and I love him more than I ever did before. 

I've spoken more on this post than I wanted too but I just can't express the level of my excitement and happiness. I hope you've enjoyed reading this post, it's definitely different to my usual posts, thanks for reading. I promise I won't go on about my engagement for much longer. Make sure to check out my Twitter and Instagram accounts - trying to up my Instagram game at the moment and hit 1,000 followers (although I have a long way to go) Thanks again for reading,

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