Versatile Blogger Award!

30 July 2015

Hey guys,

So I've been nominated for the Versatile Blogger award (something I was NOT expecting) by the wonderful Anaelle over on <--- you should definitely check out her blog, it's such a good read. I've found myself re-reading her posts sometimes!

So the following rules for this award are:-
  • Thank the person who gave you the award 
  • Include a link to their blog
  • Nominate 15 blogs/bloggers that you've recently discovered or follow regularly for the award
  • Tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself.

Here are 7 things about myself:- 

#1 This is pretty obvious anyway but I absolutely adore cats - domestic cats, big cats. You name it. I currently have five fur babies and I know that when I move out of home for good I will miss them terribly. (although my house warming gift to myself will definitely be cats. Sorry Kayne)

#2 I'm a work-a-holic. However tired it makes me, I love it at the same time. On my days off I'm so bored and I sit there thinking 'I could be working right now and earning money'. Just knowing that I'm earning my own money and I control my finances is such a good feeling for me. It also means I can justify spending x amount on some MAC makeup (as an example) because I've worked hard for it, so why the hell not! 

#3 I love a good cocktail (and large amounts of drink) at university I still try to get out once a week just so I can let my hair down a bit - work hard play hard! 

#4 I am a huge Harry Potter fan.  Here's a photo of my Harry Potter tattoo: 

#5 It was only this year that I stopped being a Twitter technophobe. I avoided it as much as I could because I didn't understand it or enjoy it, now I go on it more than anything else! 

#6 I'm often asked if I'm related to the Duchess of Cambridge. Who knows? I also get asked if I am her because we almost have the same name. I get friend requests all the time on Facebook from people across the globe with messages asking how's William and the kids, marriage proposals - the works. It can be pretty annoying sometimes but I just tend to ignore my "others" folder now! 

#7 I love walks by the beach at night, so grateful to live by the sea. 

My 15 nominations are: 

3. Katie at
6. Lauren and Rachel at
7. Charlotte at
8. Courtney at
9. Katie at
13. Hannah at
15. Chelsea at

Katie x 


26 July 2015

Hey guys,

The next post in this trilogy is the survival guide to freshers week! So in the UK, the week before University starts we have something called 'freshers week' (I'm not sure if other countries have it) which is basically where you spend the whole week (or two depends on the uni) socialising, letting your hair down etc before the work begins. Freshers week is a great ice breaker as you meet so many different people all with very different personalities. The people you meet in freshers week could easily become your best friends! 

Now, there's a very weird stigma with freshers week, people assume that you HAVE to drink to have a good time and to feel involved/accepted. That is not true at all. Freshers week is what you make it, if you want to get drunk then thats fine and if you don't want to drink then that is also fine. No one will judge you whatever you prefer to do. The universities and student unions cater for everyone - to nights out, bar crawls, pub quizzes, comedy night - you name it! So please don't feel as though you won't fit in, this isn't school anymore and university isn't like the cafeteria in Mean Girls!

So, you're all probably stressing about money because let's be honest... Uni can rack up the overdraft! You have to take into consideration that you will be living at university WITHOUT anything from Student Finance for the first week or so. You will need to get money from somewhere so save, save, save over this summer! When your place is confirmed with the university on results day, your accommodations will soon follow, at this point you will probably have to pay either the first months rent or some form of deposit to secure your room. This in itself can be around 400-600 depending on the accommodation you've been allocated. You may need to kindly ask the bank of mum and dad or anyone like that to give you a hand. I work 50+ hours  a week over the summer so I was fortunate to have a good whack saved up. I think during freshers week itself I spent about 150-200 overall for everything. This includes: alcohol, food, drink, toiletries, dining out and a bit of retail therapy. So it's honestly not that difficult to watch your money. Just be drunk when you leave and your night will be cheap as chips! (but drink responsibly please). Just make sure you do a huge food shop when you get there - it'll last you longer and be sensible with your money.

Wait until you see your university SU release their official freshers events as they are the legit ones. Some fresher events aren't legit and you could loose money and more so please be cautious when looking into events. Also the number one rule: 


I can't stress that enough, you never know what's around the corner so please, please, please be careful!

Oh, enjoy freshers flu ;) Stock yourself up with tissues, cold tablets, medicine and comfort food. You'll need it.

So that's the second post done and dusted! I hope this helps you out in some way, I wish I had something like this when I went to uni, would've been a huge help! If you have any questions feel free to comment below or drop me a message! Thanks for reading and make sure you share, comment, follow me on Twitter, Instagram and Bloglovin - I really appreciate it! :) The next post is the final part to this survival trilogy and it's about how to handle first year and university as a whole! So keep your eyes peeled to this blog, 

Katie x 


24 July 2015

Hey guys,

so it's that time of year where people start getting their bits and bobs sorted out for university. So I decided to do a three part series about 'surviving' at university. This post today is all about preparing yourself for uni. So I recommend you start buying bits and pieces now and do little spouts rather than one massive shop - it can really add up in price and remember you have to pay a deposit on your accommodation, live for a week WITHOUT student loans and do freshers. So you really need to plan ahead in terms of preparation.

The build up to university can be so nerve wracking for some - I was so nervous I made Kayne stay with me for the first couple nights and even then I still found it a struggle. I was really homesick in the first year and I'd go home every weekend - until I realised I was missing out bits at the weekend and I eventually got accustomed to living away from home. It can be a really scary and daunting process gaining your independence.

If you haven't already, then join a meet and greet page on Facebook - I know that Lincoln have one so I imagine other universities do too. That way you can see who might be your potential course mates and who you could live with! 

So here's a little list I've put together of the things I'd recommend you get, of course you don't have to get everything I've put down but it may help. I've also provided some links below so check them out:

Bedroom/desk area:- 

  • Duvet and pillows. It's very rare that universities or accommodation will provide this for you. I've always purchased the ASDA home basic range duvet and pillows for university, literally the comfiest and warmest I've ever had. They're a bargain too. 

  • Duvet & pillow covers. 
  • Cushions. Just to make it a bit more cosey
  • Teddies (if you like)
  • Mattress topper (waterproof). It might be worth searching for a memory foam topper aswell, just for a bit more comfort, some of the mattresses are horrific. 
  • Blanket. Unless you're cool with freezing over the winter?
  • Fairy lights (optional)
  • Desk lamp. Not all accommodations provide this for you.
  • Folders
  • Accessories. These are an absolute must for me. >> B&M Home accessories <<
  • Bin
  • Over door hanger
  • Coat hangers!
  • TV (optional) 
  • Console (optional)
  • Whiteboard/chalkboard
You will soon discover that stores like B&M will become your BEST friend. Going to B&M probably saved me and my mum a good whack and my room looked super cute! Also if you can get your hands on some "no damage to wall" applicators then go for it - it'll win you your deposit back and leave you with a mess free wall!


So firstly, it might be best to hold off on the appliances like toasters and kettles until you find out who your flatmates are so you can all chip in and get one!

  • Cutlery
  • Kitchen utensils e.g. collinder, pizza slicer, knives.
  • Pans 
  • Tea towels
  • Oven mits
  • Dinnerware - plates, bowls, mugs and glasses. Tesco do some really cute plates, I love their Shakespeare quote plates! >> Tesco plates <<

You'll probably be in ensuite accommodation, if you've applied for it of course. Halls don't really provide anything at all for bathrooms.

  • Towels
  • Hand towels
  • Loo roll holder
  • Bathroom bin
  • Cleaning equipment (which you can get by nipping to Wilkos when you're all settled in)
  • Tooth brush holder
  • Hand wash
So make sure you check out all the relevant Facebook pages to your university and your possible accommodation - make some friends and start chatting with your future friends. This will really make it a lot easier when it comes to moving in day. I also recommend that you make your rooms as 'you' as possible, it will bring a lot of comfort. I found that the 'homier' my room became with things from home e.g. blankets, teddies and photographs - the easier it became to be on my own.

For some reason no photos want to upload to this blog post but I really want to get it up so I'm just going to post it and hope for the best. The next post in this series will be my survival guide to freshers week! That post will be up in a couple of days to make sure you keep your eyes peeled for that. I hope you enjoyed this read and that it helps some of you newcomers to university - good luck for your results in August and I hope you get the university and accommodation you want! :) Make sure you share this post for people who it may find it of us. Follow me on Twitter, Instagram and Bloglovin! I hope you all enjoyed this read, I'll post again asap,

Katie x 

The road to whiter teeth with Doll White Whitening Strips

20 July 2015

Hey guys,  

Having a set of pearly white gnashers is something we all want and desire, some people are very fortunate to have pearly whites. I'm not one of those. If I'm being totally honest - I'm not a massive fan of my teeth, I don't hate them but I don't love them, bit of a limbo situation. I've tried tonnes of teeth whitening products but literally nothing has worked, it's probably my own fault because I am a sugar addict but even the really expensive products haven't done a thing. I have to be careful as well on what products I use because I still have baby teeth (I know right - the adult teeth are in the roof of my mouth and never coming down). 

Excuse how tired I look - I had just got back in from a long shift at work and was a wee tired. 

So when I was given the opportunity to test out Doll whites whitening strips, I practically jumped at the chance. Initially, I requested the 14 day strips (£19.99) but due to high demand they could only send me the 7 day pack. This instantly told me that these strips were good, why else would they have such a high demand? 

The whitening strips come in a minimalist box with the strips inside, the instructions are super easy to follow and are located on the back of the box. I was glad that the instructions were simple to use, nothing worse than difficult instructions. The strips come in two parts - one for the upper teeth and one for the lower. The only issue I have with these strips is the length, they would have been perfect if they were that little bit longer as the strips only really covered the fronts of my teeth.

So this is my teeth before I started the 7 day whitening strips. As you can see, they are pretty yellow. After just the first strip I could see a difference in my teeth, they definitely looked whiter and I felt so much better about my teeth already. Of course, the effect isn't permanent so I made sure to keep up to date with the strips and doing them daily. You have to wear the strips on your teeth for 30 minutes, but I would always be naughty and keep them on for a tiny bit longer. They don't cause any damage to your teeth and it's a nice minty flavour! Make sure you do them either first thing in the morning or at night - it's pretty difficult to talk with them on and I drooled everywhere. Kayne had a good laugh at me.

Ready to see the result?

Top - before
Bottom - after
The difference in just seven days is honestly crazy, I've received so many compliments from strangers  at work, my parents and Kayne have noticed a difference in my teeth and my confidence with them. The real question here is will I buy them again?  Definitely. If you guys want to check out Doll White  then head over to their website: 

So that is it for today, I hope you enjoyed the read. Don't forget to follow me on Twitter, Instagram and Bloglovin! Make sure you share this post to anyone who you think might enjoy it. Thanks for reading, I'll write again soon,

Katie x 

Kate Moss Nude Lipstick review

18 July 2015

Hey guys, 

So the latest most wanted lipstick is Kate Moss new nude range. I have to admit, I was pretty excited for them too especially since her last lipstick range didn't disappoint me. I decided to get two shades: 43 and 45 as they suited my skin the most, if I went for the light coloured lipsticks I would've looked like a twat with a capital T!

So the lipstick on the left is 45. As you can see it's like a deep pink/purple tone and it's super pretty, it's a really flattering shade. 
The lipstick on the right is 43. It looks like a dark orange - it reminded me of Velvet Teddy that's the main reason I purchased it, it's a pretty good dupe. However, it comes out more 'nudey' than Velvet Teddy does with a more orange tint on your lips.

In terms of wearability- I drank and they stayed on fine but when I ate they would smudge a little bit and it would just come off altogether. So my rating for that is 7.5/10.  I did get a few compliments at work when I wore 45 for a couple days so like I said earlier - a very flattering shade.

I also found the lipstick quite sticky on my lips - something I wasn't particularly fond of as there is nothing worse than sticky lips! The application wasn't that great - I had to go over my lips about four or five times before it would really show up on my lips so that you could see a difference. Which is where I was pretty disappointed because the last Kate Moss range went on really well.

  Being the numpty I am, I forgot to take a photo of my lips with the lipstick on and they're at my house (I'm currently at Kaynes house and dog sitting) so there is no photo I'm afraid. But would I buy this nude lipstick range again? Probably, aside from the application and the sticky feel, I was pretty impressed with it and for the price you can't really go wrong. The nude range will be perfect for those who are at school who can't wear make up (like the majority of schools in my area) or if you just want to add a little something to your face at work or for social purposes, then this is the one for you! I will try and get some more shades soon but it was pretty much sold out EVERYWHERE and I had difficulty getting just these two shades alone, so the fact it was sold out was also a winner for me - shows the reputation of the lipstick range.

That's it, my review for Kate Moss nude lipstick range. I hope you enjoyed the read, make sure you follow me on Bloglovin and all my other social networking (look to the right under my profile picture and you'll find my links there) Make sure you plus one and share this, leave any comments below! Thanks for reading, the next post will be about the Dollwhite teeth whitening strips, so keep your eyes peeled!

Katie x 

A Wonderful Discovery: Woolf Whistle Review!

13 July 2015

Hey guys,

Today I'm going to give you a quick rundown and a review of this cute online shop I stumbled across last week: 

So I was just searching for cute and different rings - preferably a crystal one and that's how I came to be on Woolf Whistle's website. First of all, the website is super easy to navigate yourself around, it's very well presented and it's minimalistic theme is lovely and clean. So for me I was already pretty attracted to the site because of how good and professional it looks.

I decided to browse their shop a bit more before I decided to buy and I fell in love with some of the products. I love the sunglasses so much, I'm definitely going to buy some of those very soon! I pretty much loved all their stock but since I was looking for just something small for now, I settled for two rings until payday came around:

So these are the two rings I purchased and I just want to say how gorgeous they both are! The one on the left is the 'Brush Metal Ring' and it is only £3.00, you can get it in silver, gold or rose gold. Now I don't know about you lot but for me that is a bloody bargain and it looks like a high quality product too so it's definitely worth the price. 
The ring on the right is the 'Ice Queen Ring' priced at just £5.00 and the times when I've worn it or posted it on social media, I've received plenty of compliments about it. So this ring is a huge winner for me!

 I also really want their Aurora pendant and the minimalist necklace (which unfortunately is sold out at the moment) so that will be in my basket as soon as! Also, the shipping costs were pretty fair too - £2.00 something and the delivery was super quick! I was expecting it to get here in a weeks time but it was here like three days after ordering!

So if you're looking for something a little bit different then please check out Woolf Whistle. It's a great little site with gorgeous items at good prices and quick delivery. Their customer service game is definitely on point. What more could you want? 

So that's my post for today guys, thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed it. Be sure to comment below what you think and make sure you check out  if you think this might be the site for you! Make sure you follow me on Twitter for all my updates. Follow me on Instagram and Bloglovin (which I'm relatively new to so show me some love please) I'll follow you back as well <3. Thank you to the lovely Hannah Delacour for explaining Bloglovin to me! :) I'll post again soon,

Katie x  

Barry M Speedy Quick Dry Review And Swatch!

10 July 2015

Hey guys,

 Today I'm reviewing a nail polish in Barry M's collection 'Speedy Quick Dry' in the shade Eat My Dust. I picked this little gem up in Tesco the other day at only just £3.99 so it's definitely a bargain and affordable for all.
First things first - I love the name. The name of the shade is a selling point for me especially if it's an interesting name because it literally reels me in. Eat my dust also reminds of The Simpsons 'Eat My Shorts' so I had a little giggle at the counter (mature I know).

So the big question I was asking myself whilst gawping at all the pretty colours (seriously some of this collection is B-e-a-uuutiful!) is it really a quick dry? Or is it a polish that claims to be a quick dry but there you are twenty minutes later with wet nails still. Well the answer is yes, it is a quick dry and a VERY quick one at that! I think one coat was dry after approximately two minutes. So for me that's perfect because I hate sitting there with wet nails and I always end up ruining them. I have zero patience for nail polish so this is a winner already for me!

Another thing I really like about this product is the flat brush for application. I always get in a bit of a state around the edge of my nails so this applicator is perfect for me! 
Also, how gorgeous is this shade?! It's a really pretty pale blue again ideal for me because I shouldn't wear nail polish for work but a little bit of pastel blue never hurt anyone...

One final word about Speedy Quick Dry - it actually doesn't chip! I'm amazed by this because I always seem to chip my nails, so I put this to the test at work today. I can happily say that after restocking the shop, serving people drinks, dealing with money for a solid 8 hours there is not a single chip! Great success! I am thrilled with this product and it's definitely now my favourite collection by Barry M, this has rekindled my love for nail polish. So would I recommend this product? Yes I definitely would. I will be buying more shades because it's so cheap and great quality - what more could you want? 

So it's a pretty short post today guys but I hope you enjoyed the read! I'm now on bloglovin - finally figured out how to do it all so go check me out on that. Don't forget to follow me on Twitter and Instagram - I follow back on all my accounts!  Thanks for the read, I'll post again soon. I have some great bits for you all including jewellery by Woolfwhistle, Revlon colourburst range and more! So keep checking out my blog. Share this too if you liked it :)

Katie x 

June favourites!

1 July 2015

Hey guys!

How's everyone coping in the UK with this heatwave? Holy moly it's HOT here. I know that 30c doesn't seem like much to some, but when you're from the UK it's a bit too much. I've been practically melting. At least I'm not too bummed about not going abroad this year because I have the weather here so that saves me a few hundred!  

Also, whilst I'm writing - I would like people to take a moment to think about those affected by the attacks in Tunisia, Kuwait and France. Also a moment for the airplane crash in Indonesia. I can't begin to imagine the emotions people were feeling or what was going through their heads as the events unfolded or how their families must feel. My thoughts go out to everyone who has been affected by this. There's so many sad happenings across the world recently and it's horrible to hear, it's nice to hear some amazing news in the midst of it all, so that's why I would like to say a big HURRAY to the LGBT community after the historical victory of same sex marriage being legalised in all 50 states of America. You guys have worked so hard and fought so long for this basic human right and you finally have it. Marry who you want wherever you want, love wins! So that's my reflection for June, let's crack on with my June favourites!

Hoola - Benefit Cosmetics 

Ok so I've raved about this product so much in the last couple weeks and all with good reason, it is simply the best bronzer I've ever used and the only bronzer that makes me look good, gives me that sun kissed feel and lasts ALL DAY. Even in this sweltering heat - my sweaty face doesn't shift it! I just love love love love it! The amount of times I've said love pretty much clarifies all my opinions on Hoola. If you're willing to pay that little extra for some bronzer then please try Hoola!

Naked2 palette - Urban Decay

This is always a firm favourite of mine, but recently I've been thinking and it really does deserve a slot on the favourites of the month post. I think what I love the most about the Naked2 palette is that it is such an ideal set of shades for my eye colour. I'd say I have medium-dark brown eyes so this is so perfect for that colour. I love the names of the shadows and how well they sit on your skin, they're so pigmented and a little goes a long way. My favourite look is with Bootycall, Tease and Busted it just looks so pretty and good together! The only downside to the Naked2 is the price but honestly it is worth it. I would prefer to pay a little bit extra for something I know has a good reputation and will do exactly what I need - this fits the bill perfectly. I'm so excited for Naked Smoky to come out in just a few days - eeeeek!

Fame - Lady Gaga

Ok so this is a pretty random favourite because it was a purely random purchase in the black Friday madness at the end of 2014. I had heard how good it smelt so I just clicked and into the basket it went. If I'm being honest, I had pretty much forgotten about this until I was packing my room up at Uni and saw it there. I gave it a spray and since then I've worn it loads. I don't really know how to describe the smell because it's quite a sweet scent but I know I definitely like it. The colour of the perfume is black like what the hell?! That's so cool! I definitely think the packaging and the presentation of perfume helps with the sales. So I'm glad I found this amongst bits and bobs at uni!

Honeysuckle Honeydew - EOS lipbalm

This I got for my 21st and at first I was kinda unsure of the smell because it's quite intense to begin with. But seeing as it's lovely weather and my cats have stolen my summer fruits EOS lip balm, I gave this one a whirl. I got used to the smell pretty quickly, I'm not a fan at all of anything remotely floral so this is a big step for me but I love honeydew melon so I just imagined myself eating that and viola! It was love, just like that. EOS lip balms are incredibly soft to the lips and really moisturise's them - again ideal in this type of weather, this lip balm in particular has saved my lips from being super dry and chapped.

So there you guys have it - my favourites for June.  I hope you enjoyed reading this blog, in the comments I don't want any hate at all regarding the things I said at the beginning of this post, all opinions and views expressed on here are my own. I just want people to take a second to think about all the horrible things happening in the world and those who are suffering. But then I also want you to think about these good things like the legalisation of same sex marriage - whether you agree with it or not, it's a basic right to love whoever and be with whoever you want to be. So on that note: share, plus one it, comment, tell your friends! Thank you all for reading and for the continued support you guys are showing me. I honestly appreciate it so much, it means an awful lot to me. I'll post again soon,

Katie x 

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