26 July 2015

Hey guys,

The next post in this trilogy is the survival guide to freshers week! So in the UK, the week before University starts we have something called 'freshers week' (I'm not sure if other countries have it) which is basically where you spend the whole week (or two depends on the uni) socialising, letting your hair down etc before the work begins. Freshers week is a great ice breaker as you meet so many different people all with very different personalities. The people you meet in freshers week could easily become your best friends! 

Now, there's a very weird stigma with freshers week, people assume that you HAVE to drink to have a good time and to feel involved/accepted. That is not true at all. Freshers week is what you make it, if you want to get drunk then thats fine and if you don't want to drink then that is also fine. No one will judge you whatever you prefer to do. The universities and student unions cater for everyone - to nights out, bar crawls, pub quizzes, comedy night - you name it! So please don't feel as though you won't fit in, this isn't school anymore and university isn't like the cafeteria in Mean Girls!

So, you're all probably stressing about money because let's be honest... Uni can rack up the overdraft! You have to take into consideration that you will be living at university WITHOUT anything from Student Finance for the first week or so. You will need to get money from somewhere so save, save, save over this summer! When your place is confirmed with the university on results day, your accommodations will soon follow, at this point you will probably have to pay either the first months rent or some form of deposit to secure your room. This in itself can be around 400-600 depending on the accommodation you've been allocated. You may need to kindly ask the bank of mum and dad or anyone like that to give you a hand. I work 50+ hours  a week over the summer so I was fortunate to have a good whack saved up. I think during freshers week itself I spent about 150-200 overall for everything. This includes: alcohol, food, drink, toiletries, dining out and a bit of retail therapy. So it's honestly not that difficult to watch your money. Just be drunk when you leave and your night will be cheap as chips! (but drink responsibly please). Just make sure you do a huge food shop when you get there - it'll last you longer and be sensible with your money.

Wait until you see your university SU release their official freshers events as they are the legit ones. Some fresher events aren't legit and you could loose money and more so please be cautious when looking into events. Also the number one rule: 


I can't stress that enough, you never know what's around the corner so please, please, please be careful!

Oh, enjoy freshers flu ;) Stock yourself up with tissues, cold tablets, medicine and comfort food. You'll need it.

So that's the second post done and dusted! I hope this helps you out in some way, I wish I had something like this when I went to uni, would've been a huge help! If you have any questions feel free to comment below or drop me a message! Thanks for reading and make sure you share, comment, follow me on Twitter, Instagram and Bloglovin - I really appreciate it! :) The next post is the final part to this survival trilogy and it's about how to handle first year and university as a whole! So keep your eyes peeled to this blog, 

Katie x 

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