Caudalie: The Vinosource Collection

24 May 2016

I've been pretty excited to write this post but it's been on hold for about a week, I'm just trying to chill out with my last week of uni and have fun so I'm neglecting my blog a bit (sorry). Now, I'm not massive on skin care *slaps wrist* and I really should be because it's important to nourish your skin and protect it.

Talking about: Body Positivity

20 May 2016

This post has been a long time coming. I've had it planned for about half a year but not quite gotten round to it. If you feel like you may be affected by this then please don't feel the need to read, I don't want to upset anyone with this post. 

High Street vs High End: Eyeshadow palettes

10 May 2016

I've been wanting to do this post for so long but I've not quite been able to get round to typing it all up. My blog is lacking so much at the moment and I'm really angry with myself but if you have me on social media then you would've seen my royal fuck up on my essay the DAY of the hand in and then I've been working and revising so just been juggling a bit too much I think!


6 May 2016

This has been a long time coming and since my blog now has over 20,000 hits/views - whatever you want to call them - I decided it was time for my first ever giveaway! I've been so excited to do this. I've had some of the items for a good couple months just waiting to hit the magic number!

Hello May!

1 May 2016

Goodbye April, Hello May!

April has been a funny old month. I turned 22, I've learnt a lot about some things. It's been dramatic and shit but it's also been great. I just need to remember that with the bad comes good. I'm incredibly happy with my blog views again this month. I can't believe it and I don't know why I considered giving up blogging.

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