Why I won't always accept your friend requests on Facebook

20 September 2016

This is a bit of a ranty post, apologies. But you know when you just need to say something? So I'm just going to type my thoughts as they come...

I feel like this post has been a long time coming but it's something I need to write. I don't want to sound like a total bitch or anything with this post because that's not my intention. I don't think I'm alone on this with Facebook and privacy, Leah from Devoted to Pink did a great post on this which you can check out here!

Basically, as a blogger. You know that to some extent you are revealing yourself to the internet.
Whether you're a private person or not, you are exposed for the whole world to see. I'm not a particularly private person. I should probably make my life a bit more private on social media but I don't. I just don't think to censor myself which is probably why this whole post has had to come about in the first place.

So, I find Facebook a totally different type of social media to the rest. It's the one place I don't actively associate myself with my blog. Yes, my blog has a Facebook page but that's about as much engagement as I create. I barely update it on there or use the page. Maybe it's because on Facebook I have people from school, college, university, family and friends on there, so I don't really want them to see my blog or I worry that they'll be 'judgy', I don't know. But what I put on Facebook, I won't put on Twitter or Instagram and vice versa.

I get so many friend requests off bloggers. Some of them I've never spoken to, some of them, every now and then and some I speak to all the time. Some of them I don't even know -  I couldn't even tell you what their blog is called or what they blog about! So when I see "xyz has sent you a friends request. x mutual friends'' I just feel like a total bitch because I'm either going to ignore the request entirely or not accept. Unless I speak to you pretty much every single day and I've met you before, I'm not going to accept.

I don't want to sound horrible with this post, but I DO want to keep some parts of my life private y'know? It's nothing to do with the person at all, unless you're a proper bellend then there's no way in hell I'll accept you on Facebook. I just don't really want to share stuff about my family & personal life to people who don't really know me. Plus, I'm not that active on Facebook anymore, I used to post about 22346729 things a day, now I just share cat videos or put up photos of my cats. Sounds like many people's heaven right? But that's my heaven and my personal, 'private' space. If you do have me on Facebook, then consider yourself lucky ha.

Basically, what I'm trying to say is this: Don't get upset/offended if I don't accept your request. Don't proceed to hound me with DMs on Twitter or publicly tweet me asking why I've not accepted your request. You'll just be ignored. I'll add you if I want you on Facebook. If I don't well, that's life I guess and just move on. You don't have to be friends with every single blogger in the whole damn community on every single form of social media to feel like you're part of the community, there's tonnes of us.  There's probably about 20 bloggers that I consider as really good friends - who I speak too all the time, who I go to with my problems and I speak/act with them as if I've known them for years. Naturally they'll have me on most, if not all social media because I'm allowing them into that 'private part' of my life and that's not something I want to do with every single blogger I come across.

Does anyone else feel this way about Facebook? Or have I just come across as a bitch? Please do let me know!

Be sure to follow me on all social media for updates on life and the blog! Thanks for reading,

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