Blogmas Day Eighteen - Tackling The Christmas Sales

18 December 2016

The Christmas sales are great but also a living hell if you're not prepared, here's a couple ways you can tackle the sales and have minimal stress!

 I love the sales, you can get some right bargains but on the flip side I also try to avoid the sales and just check out what there is to offer online. However, since I'm moving out soon, I might as well try and grab as many bargains as possible!

1. Get there early!
This is probably the quietest time to hit the sales I've found in the past, this may not be the same in all areas but in my local area it is. When Kayne and I went to Leeds for IKEA last Christmas, we left Cleethorpes at about 10-11 and we were stuck in traffic outside IKEA for an hour and a half! Then trying to get parked was an absolute nightmare! Most stressful shopping experience so far. So there's our lesson learnt - we'll be arriving at IKEA as close to opening time as possible!

2. Take regular breaks
Go to Costa for some drinks, go have some lunch or just take yourself away from the busy atmosphere of shopping. You also need to make sure you have a lot fluids and plenty of sit downs - it can get pretty tiring carrying all those bags...

3. Resist some of the bargains
I know this sounds contradicting because that's the whole point of hitting the sales. What I mean by this is don't just buy something for the sake of it. Do you really need to spend that much on a bag that's only got £10 knocked off and it's not even efficient to use? Do you really need that battered high end gift set no one wanted for Christmas - even if you don't like the brand? If you know you don't desperately need it or you know you're not going to use it, don't bother!

4. Get an idea for gifts for next Christmas
Seriously, if you can get some bargains and have somewhere to store them throughout the year then go for it! I always buy a couple gifts in the sales for next year and I know my mum does too! Plus the thing you know someone will love might not be in the shops or online next year so don't miss out!

5. Don't get stressed out!
This is pretty obvious anyway but seriously, there's no point getting stressed out about shopping. Just go with the flow and enjoy yourself!

So there you have it, 5 simple tips to tackle the Christmas sales!

What are your tips for the sales? Let me know in the comments below!

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed it! Be sure to check out my other blogmas posts and follow me on social media! Thanks again,

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