Blogmas Day Seventeen - My Least Favourite Thing About Christmas

17 December 2016

So as much as I adore Christmas, there are a couple things I would definitely change about it.

I don't want this to seem like a post where I just moan, but it kinda is. The thing I basically hate about Christmas is the competition that comes with it. 

Christmas is a time to be thankful and enjoy the festivities with those you love and care about. It's a time to remember, celebrate and cherish. I get that we all want to share with people on social media what we got because it's just human nature, believe me, I post on there too, so I'm just as guilty as the next person. I just hate how much of a competition it is to some people: ''Oh, check out my x, y and z.'', '' I got this, this and that.'' The whole shabang, I just hate it.

I remember seeing someone kick off on Twitter last Christmas because their parents had got them the WRONG sort of bloody Fiat 500 and the wrong rose gold Michael Kors watch... Like are you for real? Bloody be grateful you got that! This wasn't a joke either, someone was genuinely pissed off about this. I soon unfollowed them. THE WRONG FIAT 500 AND THE WRONG ROSE GOLD MICHAEL KORS WATCH, seriously... 

I can understand it's annoying if you don't get what you want, I totally get that. All I ever wanted every Christmas was a blooming Penguin Slush maker - I desperately wanted this but I never got this until a couple Christmas' ago (I'm 22 baring in mind) But I was buzzing that I finally got it! It didn't live up to expectations admittedly, everything seems so much cooler when you're 5 but I was still proper chuffed about getting it and really thankful for it. 

I know we're allowed to share what we got for Christmas and all the rest of it, I just can't help but feel like you're secretly judged by people if you don't get certain stuff. People need to remember that everyone's situations are different. It's not a criticism on those who can afford such luxurious items, it's just when people brag so much that it's clearly to try and make themselves seem the better person, when in actual fact, it just makes them look like a bit of a tosser. 

I don't know, it just seems that every year the competition to have the best gift on social media gets bigger and worse. Am I alone on this? Or do other people feel the same as I do? Let me know in the comments below!

Thanks for reading, be sure to follow me on social media for life and blog updates, I hope you enjoyed the read and apologies on the rant!

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