How I Edit My Photos

23 March 2016

This is literally nothing special. I'm no photo guru and I'm certainly no expert. If you're like me and not fortunate enough to own a camera yet and have to rely on your camera phone (much to the disgrace of some people)

These are just some little tips and tricks that I've found have helped me most and who knows, some day I might actually be able to afford a camera (please don't shy away from offering me some recommendations in the comments that are affordable)

1. Natural light. 
This is obvious but I didn't think it would be such an issue when I first started taking pictures, I would use my bedroom light; if you've ever lived in student halls you know how rubbish they are! I've seen such a huge difference with natural light photos. So unless you have the 'proper' stuff such as photo lighting etc, then daytime for you my friend!

This little baby has completely transformed my pictures. Just tweaking them ever so slightly and it makes the pictures look like they've been done with an actual camera.

3. Instagram filters.
Now one or two little filters never hurt anyone. My favourites are Claredon, Ludwig and Lark. I LOVE the clean white crisp look.

4. Knowing my limit.
Simple as that. Don't over edit, don't under edit. 

5. Photoscape.
A little free photo editor that you can download online and its safe! Jade recommended this to me and I've found that it's worked a charm when I've edited my photos on there!

6. Try and avoid using flash if possible!
I find flash completely ruins a photo sometimes but then again sometimes it works!

To show just how bad my photos were when I first started blogging, here's a little taster for you all:

As you can see, I literally just took the photo and uploaded them. Didn't touch them in any way shape or form and some bloggers are fortunate enough that they don't have to do that... Me on the other hand, I need to edit! 

Now to show you the difference in my photos with editing, some photos have a before and after combined so you can see a better difference:

As you can see they've improved dramatically. I've noticed as well that the flower in the top left corner seems to be a recurring thing in my pictures now... Oh well! If you want to see more of my photos 'improved' then check out my Instagram because I post them all on there with several lined up for the next few days! 

I hope this has helped any bloggers who like me, a bit clueless on editing, don't have access to a proper camera or a newbie! We all start off somewhere, I'm just so glad it took me less than a year to figure it all out! I've notice a huge difference in my page views as well by having aesthetically pleasing photos. I'm still no way an expert on photos, I admire bloggers who have the perfect blog photos and instagram feed!

Let me know in the comments below what you all think! I'd love to have any feedback :). Thanks for reading, I hope you've enjoyed the post today and that it helps someone in any way, shape or form. That'd be lovely. Make sure you follow me on Twitter, Instagram and Bloglovin' Thanks again,

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