Pokemon Go: Why has the world gone mad for it?

5 August 2016

By now, pretty much every person knows about Pokemon Go - if you haven't where have you been?
This app has literally taken the world by storm, everywhere I look down the streets, on the seafront - there are people playing this game!

Why has the world gone mad for Pokemon Go? Well...

1. People are reliving their childhood and are so nostalgic.
I certainly am! Pokemon was my life when I was little, I had the stuffed toys, all different kinds of merchandise, the cards. I would watch the TV shows religiously (I never played the games until I was older because my parents didn't want my brother and I having consoles *sob*)

2. People are getting exercise!
Seriously, if you want to catch Pokemon, you have to leave your house and walk various distances to catch Pokemon or if you want to hatch your eggs, then you have to walk - you get a range of 2k, 5k and 10k eggs that can hatch into really cool Pokemon or everyone's favourites (sarcasm) - Rattata, Pidgey, Weedle...

3. It brings all kinds of people together
No matter what 'clique' you're in - Pokemon Go is a common ground between people. I've seen people talk to eachother about Pokemon who in reality would never speak because of this weird clique system society has. It's honestly great to see. "Hey, have you seen an Oinyx?" "Yeah, caught him just down there about three minutes ago" Or just general chit chat about the game itself!

4. It's changing people's lifestyles!
The BBC have shared this story about an Autistic teenager who didn't leave his house for five years (or very rarely left the house) but thanks to the release of Pokemon Go, he is outside, catching Pokemon. His mum is building up a new relationship with her son. It was so lovely to read, knowing how the mother feels since my brother also has Autism.

5. It's also pretty funny to watch.
A Lapras spawned down the beach - I caught and Kayne didn't... Let's just say - the windows of his car was down, he was hitting his phone and screaming very loudly... It was quite funny to watch and knowing Kayne's temperament with games, it made it even funnier.

6. It creates a healthy competition with friends and family!
Not just friends and family but strangers too! People come into my workplace and ask if I play, we then stand there showing each other our Pokemon, discussing the game and then even other customers who have just walked in join the conversation! (People have been jealous of my Arcanine)

I do recommend people download this game if they haven't already. You will be pleasantly surprised, although do be weary and cautious whilst playing the game - take note of the warnings that pop up when you open the game because there are people taking this a little bit too far. E.g. Playing whilst driving, trespassing etc. Oh and DON'T cheat. Seriously, Niantic are taking it pretty seriously from what I've read and seen and are giving people bans. Plus it kinda ruins it for others when you cheat.

Do you play Pokemon Go? What's your favourite Pokemon? More importantly, what team are you?

I hope you enjoyed this post! It's extremely different to what I usually write about, I never talk about games or apps on here! Thanks for reading, be sure to follow me on all social media for life updates and blog updates! Thanks again,

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